New Cards in the Shop!

We have two new designs in the shop.

First up, our twin pack of baby gift/note cards featuring a classic bow design in delicate newborn colors.

Classic Bow Note Cards

Perfect for personal thank you notes for a gift or a note of congratulations on a new birth.


We also have a bright and cheery get well note card featuring a sleek, modern ribbon design.

Get Well Card

Short, sweet, to the point, and…bright.  All the things a get well card should be!

Buy them in our shop here.

Meet Bartleby

What’s the most nerve-racking aspect of owning a letterpress business? Well, when a new press has to be unloaded and delivered to the shop, you pretty much hold your breath until it is back on terra firma.

Check out a few photos from the delivery of our big boy Bartleby, a 12×18 Chandler & Price.

Chandler & Price 12x18 Letterpress Machine

On the move…


Chandler & Price 12x18 Letterpress Machine

Moving in…


Chandler & Price 12x18 Letterpress Machine

Terra Firma at last!


And so it begins…

Greetings and Happy New Year! Welcome to Bloom Letterpress & Design!

We are very excited to become a part of the thriving letterpress and stationery world.  Our journey is and has been an interesting experience and we hope to share that journey with you in the coming days, months, and years.  Over the next few weeks, we will be printing our spring collection, expanding our website, and opening the shop.

Please feel free to peruse the website or head on over to see what’s new to preview some paper goodness soon to be available for purchase.  And, don’t forget to check out our blog for all the latest happenings at BLD.

We are glad you stopped by and hope you come back often.

Here we go!